Dacia boots it with


Dacia, 2024, boot packing with Tetris champion Dan Vuong
Dacia, 2024, boot packing with Tetris champion Dan Vuong

VALUE-for-money brand Dacia has teamed up with UK Tetris champion Dan Vuong to help motorists find the most efficient way to pack their car's boot when it's holiday time.

Research by the car manufacturer has revealed that 36 million Britons are set to travel by car for trips this summer and nearlya quarter admit to struggling with how to pack everything into their boot.

In fact, 20 per cent said they struggle so much with packing their car that they have to leave items behind due to lack of space.

And some 12 per cent of those who took part in the study said they considerpacking the car the most stressful part of going away for a weekend trip with many claiming that family arguments happen from a forgotten item.

Now Dacia has linked up with Dan Vuong - who is known as DanV - to help Brits make the most of their car boot space for a summer of adventure.

His top tips for packing a car are:

1. Stay organised:Just like in Tetris, recognising patterns and knowing the shapes you might encounter is key - identify and categorise your items by size and type. This way, you'll know exactly where to place your beachwear, snacks, and other essentials, ensuring everything fits perfectly.

2. Keep everything compact: In Tetris, creating gaps can lead to difficult situations, and packing is no different. Compress flexible items like clothes to minimize the space they occupy. By maximizing every inch of your luggage, you can fit more items into smaller spaces without leaving gaps.

3. Pack light:The Tetris matrix has limited space and overloading it can lead to game over. Similarly, avoid packing unnecessary items like heavy jackets. Focus on bringing just the essentials and summer necessities like shorts and sandals to keep your luggage light and manageable.

The UK Tetris champion said: "With the recent Tetris World Championships taking place in California, it was essential for me to bring everything I needed for a week away on the other side of the world. But it's slightly different for those cramming all their belongings into the boot of a car for a shorter summer adventure.

"Using my years of experience playing Tetris, I've teamed up with Dacia to provide some top tips on how to successfully pack the boot of your car with minimal stress to get ready for the summer! After all it all starts with the size of your car boot and Dacia are known for offering customers a generous boot space, making things easier from the offset!"

Luke Broad, Dacia brand director for the UK said: "With nearly a quarter of Brits struggling to pack their cars ahead of summer getaways, we understand the challenges that can appear before the journey has even started! At Dacia, we focus on the essentials, and celebrate the spirit of adventure. That's why we've teamed up with UK Tetris Champion DanV, who brings his expertise to the table with gaming inspired top tips on how to efficiently pack your car to help create a smooth and enjoyable journey - we want to make car packing a breeze this summer and keep the focus on creating unforgettable memories."

Dacia cars have become known for their space and the brand recently launched its fully electric Dacia Spring which offers class leading boot capacity, making it even easier to pack all the essentials for an adventure.

Dacia aims to help Brits embark on unforgettable adventures, whether abroad or closer to home by offering reliable and affordable vehicles suited for both short getaways and grand expeditions.


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