Children redesign

'ugly' charge points

SEAT Mii at charging point
SEAT charging point design

SEAT has teamed up with the nation's children to help redesign and add colour to electric vehicle (EV) charge points after research found a third of UK motorists believe they are ugly.

The design, which is a mosaic of drawings created by children, is intended to inspire the next generation of EV users as well as increase acceptance of electric vehicle infrastructure.

The design has been installed on to a charging point in Milton Keynes, with a planned roll-out across SEAT and CUPRA's UK retailer network as additional electric vehicles are added to their line-ups, including the SEAT Mii electric, New Leon PHEV, as well as the CUPRA Formentor and el-Born.

Fewer than half (49 per cent) of UK motorists would want a public electric vehicle charging point installed on their road, according to the survey results, however this increases if they were made more attractive.

The survey of 2,000 UK drivers conducted by the Barcelona-based car brand sparked a campaign to encourage children to help beautify an EV charge point to increase awareness and acceptance of the growing electric vehicle infrastructure.

A third of motorists (27 per cent) thought EV chargers were an eyesore, so SEAT encouraged children to submit designs inspired by what they thought electric cars could look like in the future and the positive effect on the environment they will have.

There was a stark difference between age groups as 60% of 25-34-year-old motorists would want a charger on their road compared to just 37 per cent of over 55s. Asked if they would welcome a charger on their road if they were made to look more attractive, the figure for both age groups increased by around 10%.

SEAT UK managing director, Richard Harrison, said: "The design is truly inspirational as we know the next generation are more focused on sustainability issues than ever before. We hope that this means that more people will look to electric vehicles in the future and will support the continued growth of EV infrastructure.

"The roll-out of the SEAT and CUPRA electric vehicle line-up demonstrates our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint here in the UK and globally."

The mosaic is made up of 10 individual designs, with sketches selected from far and wide and covering age groups of three- to 13-years-old.


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