‘Bargain' tyres


Tyre label

FLEET managers and company vehicle drivers are being urged to do their research before buying seemingly ‘bargain' tyres online.

With 40 per cent of the tyres across its leased and managed vehicles being replaced early due to damage, fleet management specialists Venson Automotive Service is asking buyers to investigate the hidden cost behind the tempting online headline prices.

With businesses placing more emphasis on controlling costs, the motivation to buy cheapest on the day is high.

But with industry research estimating that the cost to a business is as much as £800, in terms of lost work for each day a van is off the road, the financial consequences of a quick-win solution can actually be a costly decision.

Buyers need to factor in many additional costs over and above the online tyre price, including tyre fitting, balancing, disposal costs and the potential of costly downtime, as online purchases often have a fitment lead time of several days.

Lee O'Neill, head of operations at Venson Automotive Solutions said: "If something looks too good to be true then it probably is. Working with fleets daily, we understand the pressure businesses are under to keep operating costs under control.

"Ultimately, fleet managers, company car and van drivers need to keep downtime to a minimum while optimising convenience and attracting the best possible credit terms, which can make a big difference for any fleet."

Venson urges fleet managers to use a tyre replacement service which can be called upon when replacement tyres are needed.

Mr O'Neill added: "Of course, online tyre operators have their place, but for many employees their company vehicle is not only their means of transport, but also their office or workshop and mobile advertising hoarding, and they can't afford to be off the road. So, anyone considering buying replacement tyres online should always ask themselves, are they are saving a few pounds on a replacement tyre, or potentially costing their business a fortune in time spent off the road?"

Venson has published the following reasons for not buying tyres online for fleet vehicles:


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