Proton GEN-2 NEWS

EVERYTHING comes to those who wait but in the case of Proton the time lapse is apparently going to be longer than expected.It is now some...

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WHEN IT comes to saving money on fuel and cutting carbon emissions there are alternatives to expensive electric and hybrid options.In the...

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DESPITE the tough economic climate there is one car company which has always had a reputation for delivering value for money. Malaysian car...

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 THE current economic climate has limited many people's ability to buy new cars but there are still some bargains to be had.Proton has had...

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IT'S a fact - anyone in their right mind is keeping a watchful eye on their finances at the moment and that's just where companies such as...

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EARLY in the 1980s a guy who worked in PR for British Telecom washed up at my office full of the excitement only generated by the white...

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