BMW 3 Series NEWS

YOU know a car is important to its maker when the first 25 pages of the info pack for road testers is all about the vehicle's heritage....

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WE have all done it: ask a pub-mate what car they think of in a particular brand and one of the most popular which pops into mind is the...

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WHEN something happens to the BMW 3 Series everyone takes notice.After all, this is the car to which so many have aspired since it first...

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THERE is no doubt that the BMW 3 Series is one of the finest sports saloons to reach the modern marketplace and it owes its development to...

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ALL BMW 3 Series models have the same marvellous handling and road holding, superb steering and excellent brakes, combined with a...

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THE most reliable company car in the UK is the BMW 3 Series, according to a survey of the 50 largest contract hire and leasing firms.And in...

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BMW has struck at the double with two principal accolades at the latest BusinessCar Awards.The German brand's 3-series was named...

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THE first snowfalls of winter have already blanketed many areas of the country, so it looks like a case of perfect timing for BMW whose 3...

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WHEN it comes to a car you must own - or want to own - at some time in your driving life, BMW will probably figure somewhere.An...

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MENTION the word hybrid and you don't really think of a performance car - but nobody, it seems, has told BMW.For while its new Active...

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THE new BMW 3 Series Touring now provides a stronger blend of thoughtful practicality and outstanding driving dynamics.Larger, and more...

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BMW is celebrating a triple whammy after its 320d EfficientDynamics automatic scooped a pair of leading green awards and stablemate the...

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I DID more than 200 marvellous miles in the latest BMW 320d and the fuel gauge was about a quarter down.This really is the car for all...

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IT'S leaner, meaner and intends to give the opposition a real run for its money - that's the latest generation of the BMW 3 Series.The 3,...

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IF God had designed a compact executive saloon one could possibly conclude he might have come up with the BMW 3 Series.While such a...

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AT a glance there appears to be little different about the all new BMW 3 Series.Get up close and personal and it's another story - the...

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BMW is aiming to leave its rivals trailing with the sixth generation of the world's best-selling premium saloon.The 3 Series lies at the...

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